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Thidwick's Rhymes: the Zinnazoo bird wants to write a new song, but he needs rhyming words. The other mini-activities can be found in the main zoo screen — the Clock Sculpture mentioned above is a free play exploration activity, These pages are actually very fun to do — they are all printable from the
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File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick ViewYour browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document.Each Book Punch title includes 11 printable worksheets, a lesson plan aid, Think about a creative activity you would like to put into action in your school . . See the Vocabulary Exploration worksheet in the Book Punch Series Manual. In the story, Nick is required to write a report on the dictionary for
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Please use the print version of this publication as the authoritative technological objective; type of activity or service; the machines, tools, .. The recently issued Guide for Occupational Exploration (U.S. Department of Labor ,
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Online info with printable bookmarks for each Dewey section KYVL, encyclopedias, dictionaries (including a Spanish dictionary), print and digital media by Jan Brett will be used to engage students in an exploration of South American rainforests. Come to closure on the year. Possible Review Activities: